Traveling can be hectic in the best of times, and forgetting an essential item can be a headache for anyone. That is why most people have a standard checklist they go over in their minds when packing: did they get shoes? Socks? A phone charger?
But for our respiratory patients, traveling is even more complicated. Forgetting an essential item can be more than a headache – it can be life threatening.
So, to help you and your loved ones avoid possible healthcare emergencies on the road, we’re happy to share this Travel Checklist for Respiratory Patients.
Whether you are planning to travel for medical care, or you have the opportunity to take a trip with family, we encourage all of our patients to review the list below before going out of town.
We recommend printing the list and filling it out before you leave home. Be sure you have all of your necessary medical supplies, and be fully prepared to travel without any disruption in your healthcare routine.
From everyone here at Sail Healthcare, we wish you and yours the safest, happiest trip possible. No matter the destination.