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Instructional & Troubleshooting Videos

At Sail Healthcare, we pride ourselves on offering patients and caregivers top-notch educational services. Our expert RTs provide the best training for respiratory medical equipment, going above and beyond to help you succeed in a homecare setting. 

Now, we want to take our educational support a step further. In addition to curating manufacturer videos, we have begun producing our own series of educational videos designed to help keep proper equipment procedures fresh in yours and your loved ones’ minds. Furthermore, these videos should help answer questions that may come up while using different medical devices.

If you or a caregiver still have questions after watching the videos for your medical device, please feel free to give us a call and a member of our team will be happy to assist you. 

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Stationary & Portable Suction Machines and Canisters

These are the first videos in our ongoing Sail and Wave Healthcare educational series. More videos are coming soon!

Astral Vent By ResMed

BiWaze Cough System
